Playing with Silk
It has taken several attempts to write this particular blog post. Multiple times my pictures have mysteriously been eaten or deleted by either my computer or camera.
I think what I am about to share with you must be important. An answer to someone’s prayer . . . or a confirmation that this is what they are supposed to use in their schoolroom. Maybe it’s you.
Perhaps this post is God’s confirmation to you that Timberdoodle has the solution to meet your family’s needs.
Who knows . . . I just know that often things that you have to work hard for . . . serve a great purpose. So may all the pictures I have taken and lost for you in turn bless you . . . and confirm your homeschooling or {grand}mothering play needs.
We sure had fun.
Naomi was blessed to use a part of the Baby Timberdoodle Core Curriculum. I would have easily been greedy enough to play implement the entire Baby Timberdoodle Core Curriculum.
Thankfully, the only thing Naomi is greedy about is her mommy milk. So she was quite content to use use her Sarah’s Silk Playsilk . . . an item I have had my eye on since pre-motherhood.
Whimsical. Whispy. Fairy-like. A simple steroid for the imagination. A gentle addition to active play.
The fabulous fact about the Baby and Toddler Timberdoodle Core Curriculum is that they can be used with multiple children . . . thus saving you money. And the playsilk . . . wasn’t just a favorite with Naomi . . . but her older brothers as well.
I would show you . . . but the pictures have disappeared into a dead computer.
How did we use our play silk?
- peek-a-boo
- as a pretend apron skirt
- a leash on a cute Ezra puppy dog
- perfect for a flag on a fort
- hanging from a clothes line to run through
- as a nursing cover
- a shield in the car to keep bare feet warm
- a knot doll
- an impromptu tablecloth for a pretend tea party
- a headscarf for our dog
- a neck scarf for a fashion show
Now, you may be thinking . . . why does a baby need curriculum?
Well, have you ever asked the question, “What should my baby be doing right now developmentally? Am I playing with her enough? Am I stimulating his mind? I don’t know what to do with my baby . . .”
Even coming from an education background . . . I asked these questions with my firstborn. And I probably would have asked even more that first year we began homeschooling. However, I had a few years of classroom teaching under my belt that took away that fear of “What do I teach? Am I teaching enough?”
That is why packaged curriculums are nice.
They take away the planning and guess work. And that is why Timberdoodle created such an excellent collection of Core Curriculums . . . from baby all the way up to high school.
Be sure to check out what other families did with their Baby Timberdoodle Core Curriculum items . . . as you can see it is filled with more than silk!
Request a free Timberdoodle catalogue (I ummm . . . typically read mine cover to cover because the explanations actually include tips, hints, or possible topics to watch out for). You can also find Timberdoodle on Facebook.
(As a member of Timberdoodle’s Blogger Review Team I received a free copy of this book in exchange for a frank and unbiased review.)