Public Service Announcement
Just wanted to pass on some sales to you . . .
Get $20 off Simple Menu Plans from The Nourished Kitchen using the coupon code: SPRING11.
This is what you will receive (especially great if you opted not to take the Get Fermented class that I annoyingly consumed your inbox writing about).
- 3 Full Simple Dinner Menus Each Week
- 1 Dessert of the Week
- 1 Probiotic Fermented Food of the Week
- 1 Soup of the Week
- All whole foods, no refined or processed ingredients
- Easy-to-follow Recipes
- Simple to-do lists
- Guides to seasonal produce
- Information on health and wellness
- Suitable for Gluten-/Grain/Dairy-/Soy-free and GAPS Diets
- Recipes serve four, but can be easily halved, doubled or tripled
- Most menus can be prepared in under 40 minutes
- Click here to download a sample.
- easy refund policy
- averages to less than $7.50 a month!
A similar nifty code is how I ended up getting hooked up with The Nourished Kitchen . . . and how I ended up purchasing an entire year’s worth of dinners . . .
You can see a lot of my cooking experiences with Jenny here.
I like Simple Dinners . . . because for me . . . they are simple. And rich. And delicious. And dense. And nutritious. And my husband praises me and showers me with accolades when I cook with Jenny.
Second announcement, since you aren’t Sally from {With Eager Hands} , I know that you didn’t win the Resurrection Stick Figure Bible Curriculum . . . but you can purchase it for 30% off RIGHT NOW.
All e-books are on sale now . . . no shipping fee to upset the budget . . . you could literally start stick figuring in minutes . . . and not have to wait on the mail man/woman.
Though real mail is fun, don’t get me wrong. (Not that I galloped to my mail bearing husband when he sauntered into the room carrying 2 packages . . . and questioned if I was excited to see him or the mail he was carrying.)
But stick figuring is MORE FUN.
Just a thought.
Combine The Resurrection study with Amon’s Adventure. Riveting.
History will come ALIVE before your very eyes.
And your kids will want to snuggle with you instead of watching TV.