Random, Useless Information About Me
Mar 4, 2010
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My friend, Renee, sent me this a long time ago. I am just now reading hers and thought I would share some facts about me to the world . . . to my faithful readers . . .
- High heels or boots? Neither–unless they are hiking boots. I typically wear Dansko’s or running shoes with my new orthodics.
- What time did you get up this morning? 5:59 AM
- Diamonds or pearls? Diamonds, but only because it is part of my wedding ring and band. And the metal has to be of a silver nature . . .
- What was the last film you saw at the cinemas? When In Rome and Avatar
- What is your favorite TV show? The Biggest Loser
- What do you usually have for breakfast? cheese eggs
- What is your middle name? Lynn (just like my mom and sister)
- What food do you dislike? Vegemite
- What is your favorite CD at the moment? No Line On The Horizon by U2
- What characteristic do you despise? not taking responsibility for one’s actions
- Favorite clothing? Skull cap that Brian gave me at Christmas
- If you could go anywhere in the world on vacation where would you go? Tibet or Nepal
- Are you an organized person? Umm . . . that would be a resounding NO!
- Where would you like to retire to? on a ski slope in Colorado or as a missionary
- What was your most recent memorable birthday? Well, two years ago I was close to having a baby on my birthday!
- What are you going to do when you finish this? more school with the boys — art to be precise
- Furthest place you are sending this? depends if someone in another country reads it . . . let me know!
- Person you expect to send it back first? I think it would be GREAT is someone left a comment saying that they answered all of these questions on their blog! (Sarah . . . hint, hint)
- When is your birthday? sometime in May
- Are you a morning person or a night person? 10 AM person
- What is your favorite color? YELLOW
- Do you own any animals? a Rhodesian Ridgeback, Nemo–the fish who won’t die, and part of a cow
- Any new and exciting news you’d like to share: Brian biked to work today. I think that is so cool. I haven’t felt nauseous most of the day. The sun is actually shinning.
- What did you want to be when you were little? an airplane pilot for the Air Force
- What is your favorite flower? daffodil
- What is a day on the calendar you are looking forward to? the day we can go outside for the rest of spring and summer
- What was the last thing you ate? still eating it . . . a bagel. That is all I crave. Bagels.
- Do you wish upon stars? A shooting star reminds me to pray for someone.
- If you were a crayon, what color would you be? Yellow
- How is the weather right now? sunny and pleasant
- Last person you spoke to on the phone? my midwife
- Favorite soft drink? Kombucha
- Favorite restaurant? this amazing Egyptian restaurant . . . that went out of business
- Hair color? brown with some natural red and blond highlights
- What was your favorite toy as a child? my dog, Toby
- Summer or winter? depends on where I am living . . .
- Chocolate or vanilla? chocolate!!!!!
- Coffee or tea? tea or a cappuccino with whole milk in a china cup
- Favorite food of all time? tough call . . . Indian or Thai
- Do you want your friends to leave a comment? Of course . . . this is my first legit post in a while!
- When was the last time you cried? maybe two weeks ago after the mean ultrasound lady made me feel stupid
- What is under your bed? legos, children’s books, dust, dog hair
- What did you do last night? prepared for school today and working on my post for Totally Tots
- What are you afraid of? Not having lived fully . . . but I can’t say that I am really afraid. I know that God is with me NO. MATTER. WHAT. I have no desire to test this out, though.
- Salty or sweet? Depends
- Best quality you have? I’m a dreamer. And I can sew. Oh, I know. I’m a good people watcher!
- How many years at your current job? 6
- Favorite day of the week? Saturday . . . or any day that Brian is home!
- Positive or negative? working towards being more positive
- How many people will you send this to? I know it will go out to 197 emails currently; ,then there are Facebook friends, and random people who might read it from seeing me post about it on Twitter. It would be so cool if you all commented when you read it. Anybody out there that is still reading at this point?
- Do you like finding out all this stuff about your friends? Sure. But it also made for an easy blog post. Shh!! Don’t tell Renee!