Stock versus Broth: Your Secret Weapon
I never know which to say. I’m making chicken broth, I mean stock, I mean . . . I don’t know what I mean.
I’m just making something that requires a bird, some vegetables, a little apple cider vinegar, filtered water, a large pot and time.
This means that I am making chicken stock.
Just like you invest in the stock market to make more money, you invest in your health by making more chicken stock.
Chicken broth is the liquid procured after boiling chicken meat with vegetables over a minimal timeframe, whereas chicken stock incorporates boiling bones (with or without meat) over a long duration . . . yielding greater nutrition in the form of gelatin and minerals.
If you want to make your taste buds do the happy dance, and your gut say, “Thank you!” then you want to MAKE chicken stock for your soups . . . your meals . . . even your baby’s food.
It. Is. Worth. It.
You can use it as your secret ingredient.
Let’s say, Aunt Betty Sue wants your special prized Algerian Wedding Rice casserole . . . because everybody loves it.
But let’s be honest . . . you don’t want to give it to her. If you do, then not only will she bring it to every family function, but she will post it on the internet (like I’m doing).
Go ahead. Give her the recipe. Just tell her to use broth instead of stock.
Is that mean?
Chicken Stock
- a whole bird (chicken) . . . minus the feathers (You can use a chicken frame. A chicken frame is basically the carcass – where the farmer acted like a vulcher. Sorry, but it’s true.)
- 3 or more peeled carrots, cut into large chunks
- 5 or more washed celery stalks, cut into small stumps
- 2 tablespoons raw apple cider vinegar
- 1 large onion hacked into 4 pieces quickly (I don’t want you to cry.)
- approximately 4 quarts of filtered water
- 3-4 garlic cloves
- parsley
- a very large pot or crock pot
1. It is recommended that you cut your chicken into pieces.
Now I “might” do this if the Engineer is home. I have been known to play the “pretend pregnancy” card and say that I will puke all over our nice bird if I have to hack the neck off. I will sweetly ask said husband to lop off chicken parts, while I gag at an exaggerated rate.
Sometimes it works.
Now it won’t. The Engineer reads my blog, because I make him. (He gets quizzed each night over the previous day’s contents.)
So . . . if you are an individual with a weak stomach . . . then I certainly wouldn’t recommend you add chicken feet. Because you actually are supposed to.
Two feet.
Why? They contain gelatin.
You could try to remove the neck. If I am feeling adventurous, I will do this . . . but with my Cutco scissors.
When it comes down to it, though, I have yet to notice a difference if the neck is attached or unattached. If she were alive . . . then certainly a neck is important. But once she is dead . . . well, I have yet to find that my gelatin has increased by a neck-less bird.
Moving on.
2. Place the chicken in a stock pot with all the ingredients except the parsley.
Let stand for 30 minutes to 1 hour while the apple cider vinegar does its magic.
3. Then bring to a boil.
Remove scum that rises to the top, then reduce heat and simmer for 6 to 24 hours. The long you cook, the richer the flavor.
4. Ten minutes before you finish add the parsley. I always forget to. Sigh.
5. Now for the part that I hate: separating the bird from her broth.
It doesn’t matter how you do it. Use a spoon . . . tongs . . . two large paint stirrers (just kidding) . . . or your hands (make sure the broth isn’t hot!)
6. Take the meat off of the bone. It is great for teriyaki, chicken salad, enchiladas, baby food or curry.
7. Strain the stock into a big bowl and reserve in the fridge until the fat collects and congeals on top.
8. Store strained chicken stock in wide-mouth Mason jars, making sure to leave plenty of head room if you freeze the jars.
Other methods of freezing chicken stock include ice cube trays or quart size freezer bags, which is what I did last night!