As the blanket of sparkling white snow tickled and covered our world this past week (and hopefully tonight), I found it melting into tears on my face. It has been a hard week in the snowstorm of motherhood. The first…
Wordless Wednesday @ 5 Minutes 4 Mom Our Sponsors: print free grocery coupons from home Grapevine Studies: Stick Figuring Though the Bible Plant by Colors Gardening made EASY!
Root vegetables are the best models. Seriously. They are knockouts on the runway called a knife. They pose elegantly for still shots. God was just so creative with some of the things He decided to grow in the earth. This…
Let’s pretend that you need an ornament and you need it fast. It has to be homemade. And . . . your kids have to make it. All of your kids. The youngest, well, second to youngest, included. Not…
Gabe is currently 31 months It’s been awhile since Gabe (Smiley) has hit the blog in a formal way . . . his moment to shine . . . Tot School. I admit that since Naomi has been born, organizing…
When our tree comes out of hibernation, you will often find me hibernating in the kitchen. Making hot chocolate. Lining up the Christmas music. Umm . . . truth be told (sorry Hottie) avoiding the whole “barn raising” of the…
I don’t often write a blog post for a specific person. But today, this post is dedicated to Auntie. We had some tea (my favorite kind). It (the tea) is kind of hard to come by . . . unless…
Jodi is married to her high school sweetheart. She blogs about fermentation, whole foods, homeschooling, essential oils, home-birthing, and gardening.
FREE Happy Mail
Curious about Essential Oils? When I first heard about them 13+ years ago, I wasn't sure what to think or where to find information. I've got you covered. Click on the image to learn about our oily journey!
The SAFEST Mattress
After much research, we chose The Clean Bedroom for our mattress and our daughter's mattress!
My Passion . . .
Please join us as we #writetheword to further understand the importance of ending Bible poverty. Learn how to host your own #writetheword party.
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