Most people don’t have to mow their garden. Except if it looks like this . . . It is going to require a little bit of work . . . OK a lot of work. But hopefully, we will be…
Hooked. It only took me two nights to read Beverly Lewis’s new book, The Thorn, which is the opening book for her new series called The Rose Trilogy. The story shows the contrast between the quiet life of an Amish…
I’ve always heard that having a boat was more work than it was worth. Everyone ends up selling their boat. But I suppose they were talking about motor boats. Not canoes. Last week, the Hottie Hubby received an early birthday…
Mr. Smiley, 27.5 months Tot Trays Well, there weren’t so many trays this week . . . like I said on Friday . . . it was a weird school week. In fact, they are still laying out in the…
Sir Honey, Age 4 I must say we have had a weird school week. Weird. The little guy has fallen asleep most afternoons, and by the time he woke up dinner was ready. (By the way, he doesn’t still sleep…
Our church hosts a weekly program called Awana (Approved Workman Are Not Ashamed). Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a workman who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of…
Homeschooling. When did I first hear about it and what was my reaction? Ahh . . . this topic opens all sorts of things for me to talk about. I’m not entirely sure that I had ever heard of homeschooling…
Jodi is married to her high school sweetheart. She blogs about fermentation, whole foods, homeschooling, essential oils, home-birthing, and gardening.
FREE Happy Mail
Curious about Essential Oils? When I first heard about them 13+ years ago, I wasn't sure what to think or where to find information. I've got you covered. Click on the image to learn about our oily journey!
The SAFEST Mattress
After much research, we chose The Clean Bedroom for our mattress and our daughter's mattress!
My Passion . . .
Please join us as we #writetheword to further understand the importance of ending Bible poverty. Learn how to host your own #writetheword party.
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