Ahh . . . Sue Gregg is the Julia Child of my world. I started my blog to teach people about whole foods cooking and sustainable living. People used to ask me how I did the things that I did…
Well, the day has finally arrived. My Sue Gregg review is due. And I had to come face to face with grinding that sprouted grain and using it to bake bread. (Click the book to download a pdf of PART…
I like unusual necklaces. And if jewelry can have some medicinal properties to it . . . even better. If you all will remember, the beginning of my pregnancy felt like God had placed me in a dingy in the…
I talk about kefir a lot, but I realized (due to a comment someone left not that long ago), that I have never done a tutorial on how I make kefir. I learned from my friend, Sarah. So I can’t…
And the Tropical Traditions Baby Silk Moisturizing Cream winner is: Rachel over at A Mom’s Rantings. Thanks for subscribing to my blog! ———————————- The winner of the 18 x 24 Photo to Poster giveaway is: my good friend, Sarah, (who…
I had a pile of shirts. I had two helpers. I know for a fact we have to start keeping our house looking nice. Enter: So, I thought the Wonder Hanger ($9.99 plus shipping) would be a great product…
I have always struggled with whether or not to use my children’s real names. I’ve opted to err on the side of caution, or maybe paranoia. But I’m going to let you know ONE of my children’s names. He would…
Jodi is married to her high school sweetheart. She blogs about fermentation, whole foods, homeschooling, essential oils, home-birthing, and gardening.
FREE Happy Mail
Curious about Essential Oils? When I first heard about them 13+ years ago, I wasn't sure what to think or where to find information. I've got you covered. Click on the image to learn about our oily journey!
The SAFEST Mattress
After much research, we chose The Clean Bedroom for our mattress and our daughter's mattress!
My Passion . . .
Please join us as we #writetheword to further understand the importance of ending Bible poverty. Learn how to host your own #writetheword party.
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