There are some authors that I wish were my neighbors. There are some authors that God has used to refresh me and give me new meaning and purpose. There are some authors I really wish they were my friend. Sally…
I didn’t realize that I was hungry until we were standing at the farthest corner from the front door at Walmart this morning. I needed one tiny item to finish my latest Totally Tots post. All of the sudden it…
My friend, Renee, sent me this a long time ago. I am just now reading hers and thought I would share some facts about me to the world . . . to my faithful readers . . . High heels…
We have a winner. Sorry I didn’t post until today. I’ve been sleeping. A lot. And the winner of the Lavender Soap Pump is . . . Congratulations to Hannie Dixon! Please email me your snail mail address at thegranolamom4god…
We just celebrated Purim. Hamantashen cookies You might have several different questions running through your head at this point. Purim? What’s that? You mean that holiday in the Old Testament? I thought you were Christian. Jesus came and we don’t…
I was blessed to receive two of the below books, Secrets and Beneath A Southern Sky. They provided a great “vacation” from my pregnancy nausea and painful strep throat. I read Secrets in ummm . . . one night .…
I’m missing the Olympics to bring you this important message. I feel nauseous. (It took me forever to figure out the correct spelling of that word that describes my day week.) Just kidding. Well, not really. But that is not…
Jodi is married to her high school sweetheart. She blogs about fermentation, whole foods, homeschooling, essential oils, home-birthing, and gardening.
FREE Happy Mail
Curious about Essential Oils? When I first heard about them 13+ years ago, I wasn't sure what to think or where to find information. I've got you covered. Click on the image to learn about our oily journey!
The SAFEST Mattress
After much research, we chose The Clean Bedroom for our mattress and our daughter's mattress!
My Passion . . .
Please join us as we #writetheword to further understand the importance of ending Bible poverty. Learn how to host your own #writetheword party.
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