Taking Care of Some Housekeeping
Do you have a hard time leaving comments on blogs from your phone? Several times the Engineer has desired to comment on my blog . . . just to stop me from desperately begging him to stroke my pride . . . but he can’t.
If it isn’t quick and easy . . . well, he won’t do it. I won’t for that matter either. He is a busy grad student, you know. (I’m so proud.)
There might be a reason you can’t leave a comment.
If you want to leave comments on my blog (or anyone’s blog who uses Disqus) with your phone, you need to install an app for that. Find it on the android market. Disqus for iPhone is coming soon!
Show some love. Get the app for your phone!
Looking for a new cookbook? Sign up to receive The Homemakers Challenge in your inbox and receive an awesome cookbook . . . if I do say so myself. (I feel honored to be “in” the collection of kitchen secrets!
Need a new Bible study to do with your kids? Check out what Grapevine Studies has recently released! I can’t wait to start it!!!
Introducing Old and New Testament Bible Timelines!
Beginning with Creation your students will stick figure chronologically through the Old Testament to the rebuilding of the walls of Jerusalem by Nehemiah. Students will also count the generations from Adam to Jesus. Beginning with the Birth of John the Baptist students will stick figure to The Judgment. Your students will draw the major characters and events of the New Testament and learn how the books of the Bible relate to the timeline.
All the timelines will be on sale throughout January. To receive FREE SHIPPING on any order until January 31,2012, use coupon code: JANFS
Stay tuned for a giveaway.
And if you like points, money, and gift cards . . . gear up for the Superbowl and the Swagbucks Spirit Party!
I wonder if I can get some Swagbucks just by living in the Superbowl host city?
Get your pom-poms ready, my readers, because starting on Monday Swagbucks is holding Spirit Week! Every day next week they will be celebrating a different holiday.
Each day will be filled with fun, activities, and surprises. They’ll be announcing every holiday the evening before in the Swagbucks blog. Make sure you keep track of each day’s Swag Codes, as you will need them at the end of the week in order to earn a big, juicy reward.
It’s the most fun you can have getting your reward points for free stuff!
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