Tea with Tina on a Thursday
I don’t often write a blog post for a specific person.
But today, this post is dedicated to Auntie.
We had some tea (my favorite kind).
It (the tea) is kind of hard to come by . . . unless you happen to live in Azerbaijan. Or you own an international grocery store. Or someone leaves you a care package FULL of gifts to open whenever the baby blues hit . . . or all the children are screaming at once – whichever comes first.
The boys begged me to put our tea party on “the blog.”
And so I am . . . mostly one-handed once again.
Tea time commenced at 11:00 am. It was accompanied by almond cookies compliments of the Sue Gregg dessert cookbook.
It wasn’t too terribly formal. Just pajamas and bed-head.
But it lacked one thing . . . YOU!
So, here is some tea and cookies . . .