The Last Time We Teach 2nd Grade
How can my youngest child be in Second Grade already? This will be the last time we teach 2nd grade. Unbelievable. Just yesterday it seems like Ezra was in 2nd grade!
In a few short weeks she will be turning 8 years old. Sometimes I just want to stop time.
So what does our 2nd Grader learn? Let me share with you! (Many of the links won’t show up if you are receiving this post as an email. Feel free to click here to be taken directly to the blog for easy access to the curriculum links.)
Our 2nd Grade Curriculum
- Teaching Textbooks Level 3 — I’m loving the online version after years of re-threading the spiral in the paperback books. And quite honestly a family subscription just makes sense. I’m super excited to have all 4 of our kids using the same math this year!!
- We are wrapping up All About Reading Level 3 — Naomi is a legit book worm. I am in a quandary over what’s next after we finish Level 3. Many of the “rules” she has already picked up on and come quite naturally to her.
- Wordly Wise 2 (Book 3 that you see above is for 2nd Semester)
- IEW Grammar Fix It — After going though 6 years of Essentials with Classical Conversations, I decided to be a bit more proactive about learning grammar early with Naomi. How I wish I had known about this curriculum years ago. It is manageable and requires ZERO prep on my part. However, in the few short weeks we have been using it, the compound effect of knowledge has truly happened. In hindsight I would have purchased this for Gabe too. (He is doing The Well Trained Mind Grammar.)
- Foundations Memory Work from Classical Conversations — I am LOVING the copybook from Sunshine and Oranges!!!
- Math-U-See Beta — This may confuse you. Why two maths? Well, Naomi completes the Beta when she is at Classical Conversations Essential Siblings, while her brother Gabe is in his Essentials class!
- Classical Conversations PreScripts Cursive Medieval to Modern History — I love weaving everything together and this writing program aligns with the timeline the kids are memorizing.
- A Reason For Handwriting B
- Latina Christiana — true story –> we thought we were in the right Latin book (Prima Latina) and quickly discovered that we were in over our head and that there was a curriculum designed to come before it!!! Phew!!!!
- Becoming God’s Champion — It gives me no greater joy than to teach my kids how to study the Bible for themselves and NOT just rely on what I tell them or church tells them. So I have been teaching them how to do the Inductive Bible Study Method.
- The Story of the World (at lunchtime with the rest of the family)
I am still continuing our Beautiful Feet Books Science and History . . . but we currently haven’t added that back into our day because there are a few read-alouds we are consuming, like:
- Haven (from Growly books)
- Misty of Chincoteague — Marguerite Henry
- Heroes of History — Klaus John
Do We Do ALL the Subjects?
Do we actually accomplish work every day in each of the subjects I have listed? It depends on the day. But I will say that most days, Naomi does seem to accomplish all of the course work simply because she really has been enjoying school this year.
Don’t forget these other Homeschool Posts!
- Did you miss our School Room for 2018/2019? Check out #McFamilyHomeschool1819
- 5th Grade (coming soon)
- 7th Grade (coming soon)
- 9th Grade (coming soon)