The Weight Loss Preschool Teacher
Everything in me wants to chicken out from writing. When I am in the middle of a journey, I like to stay quiet. Away from the spotlight. Hidden. Forgotten.
I bargained with God last night. I’ll write only if you wake me up early and I have to have my quiet time done. And He woke me up before the family and managed to use my new Bible study to further convict me of my need to write – if only for myself.
Because today is like my public contract between God and I. Perhaps you.
And I have written this post without editing.
Follow My Back (not my butt)
I have this wonderful girl in my life. She makes me laugh. She used to have dreads. They are now gone, but she still calls herself Undreadhead for Jesus. I love it. She encouraged me to get my nose ring. She’s blunt. Honest. Real. Raw. That makes her perfectly human and beautifully acceptable. She valued my former worm compost bin that sat in my kitchen.
Undreadhead for Jesus told a work story. We often joked about her work because it was ridiculously politically correct. I doubt I can do this short story justice.
So, she works at a daycare or preschool if you will. There were many sayings that were reinforced into her vocabulary. Like “friends” or “use your words” or “follow my back.” The idea of saying, “No!” was not encouraged. Instead, “Friend, holding a knife is putting your other friends at risk. Let’s think through this and put the sharp object down and find a new toy. And let’s spend some time in the ‘safe place’ (read glorified time out).”
However, there was one phrase that was right on. Biblical. Follow my back. Now, Dreadhead has this amazing voice when she tells stories. This particular time featured a high pitched Mary Poppins-like sing song falsetto (is that the high pitched voice)? Forget follow me or stay in a single file line or walk straight – follow my back.
Little people can’t see your butt if they are in the back of the line – but they can see your back from nearly any height.
Jonathan Should Be a Preschool Teacher
In the Bible we see this very premise at work. The passage I am going to be referring to is 1 Samuel 14: 1-23. Jonathan thought it would be a great idea to bring his armor bearer into into enemy territory unassisted – as in like NO ONE knew they even left to destroy the Philistines by themselves.
In normal circumstances I would say that they were idiots. What where they smoking – not telling anyone what foolishness they were stirring up.
Jonathan assures his armor bearer with these placating words, “It may be that the Lord will work for us. For nothing restrains the Lord from saving by many or by few.”
Did you catch the MAY BE in that statement?
Maybe God will save us and even give us victory. Or maybe we will get totally slaughtered and no one will ever know. History may be forever radically changed because of our secret.
Hello?????? But this actually isn’t my point. I will briefly remark, in Beth Moore’s southern twang, “God’s decision is based on sovereignty, not weakness.”
The armor bearer takes this in stride and replies with, “Do all that is in your heart. Go then: here I am with you according to your heart.”
The dude was devoted. Completely trusted Jonathan the preschool teacher.
Here is what amazes me. (The Engineer informed me this was common knowledge) So humor my amazement right now.
Jonathan went before the armor bearer. Like in front. Like the leader. Like the first person who would get attacked. Jonathan even says, “Come up after me, for the Lord has delivered them into the hand of Israel.”
Follow the leader. Follow my back.
The nameless armor bearer in this story obeys and then gets the task of slaying the men that Jonathan knocks down.
Isn’t that how it is in our life?
Ephesians 6: 10-11 says, “Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.”
Do you see it?
When we put on the armor of God – we become armor bearers – like the one that followed Jonathan’s back. Jonathan went before the armor bearer to protect and knock down the enemy.
Jesus does this for us when we put on the armor of God each day.
Watch My Back
Friend, I want you to watch my back. I’m not claiming to be Jesus or even nearly as brave and loyal as Jonathan. But I am offering you a back to follow. Thankfully you can’t see my butt – but in a few weeks I may not mind.
It’s go time. Let’s squeeze between enemy lines and defeat this extra weight we are carrying round.
You had to know if I am writing a personal post, it would eventual come back to my most ever-present battle:
the weight loss battle.
I am a week ahead of you on this journey. So that is why I say, “Watch my back.”
- I decided that it is time for a cleanse. This morning marks day one (for me) of the Orthomolecular Core Restore. If you want a cheaper one that doesn’t involve a two day fast, I have used Garden of Life Perfect Cleanse, several times. But I feel MUCH better after doing the Orthomolecular cleanse . . . the modified fasting speeds up the process and quite honestly keeps me more dependent upon the Lord. By lessening your toxic load, you free up your body to let go of you fat stores.
- My friend, Renee, is going to be my workout accountability partner. I am going to be going through Les Mills Pump again BUT I am accepting the fact that my Hashimoto’s does affect my ability to work out for the long haul and am giving myself grace and a reasonable goal. I plan on doing Les Mills Pump 3 times a week, not the recommended 5. (If you order Les Mills through my husband, I will gladly send you a lemon oil sample to help you daily detox.) If I don’t do Les Mills Pump then I am going to walk, bike, or dream about using an Ultraslide.
- After the detox, I will be doing I Quit Sugar and eating more like Noah (aka Paleo) because eliminating grains and sugar works for me and I lose weight while feeling great.
Who Is Going to Watch My Back?
Ladies, many of you have pulled me aside or emailed me privately. You want to be healthy but don’t know how. Or you lack the will power. There are justifiable reasons why it is hard to lose weight – many stemming from sugar addiction and adrenal fatigue. I’m willing to help you through this and point you in the right direction.
Go before you, like Jonathan.
But you are the armor bearer – you have to slay the beast of obesity. I can’t be the one to make your knife stab a vegetable instead of a piece of pie.
I’m human. I’m reaching out to you. I’ve had amazing people help me. I want to connect you with them or help you lose weight and find freedom and health.
And if you want my whole weight loss journey – well, here you go.
OK. I’m going to hit the send button. Quite nervously. And rather unedited.
- Les Mills Pump workout or T25 and the Lemon Oil I would send you
- Orthomolecular Core Restore or Garden of Life Perfect Cleanse
Go drink some water now.

Jodi, I didn’t get to tell you today but I thought you were looking great! Liked the skirt.
Wendy — thank you so so so so so so so so much!!!! I really appreciate that! I am making a new skirt based off of that one!!!