Thinking Ahead: A Weekly Homeschool Planner Giveaway
I have to laugh at myself . . . we have 30 more days of school left and I am already contemplating 2nd Grade.
Or rather, next year.
We don’t go by grade here in the Granola house. We go by ability. Learning and mastery are the goals, not days or hours or strictly following the book.
So, yeah officially we have 30 more days . . . but the reality is that we will probably continue to take a laid back approach and school through the summer simply because . . .
However, being a teacher by trade, I am rather picky about the book that houses my plans or “the record of our plans” and activities.
This past year I found a great planning book. I was able to divide the pages into three sections, one section for each child. It looks real . . . well . . . not professional.
But that won’t work for next year. Not that Naomi will be “doing” school . . . but she will have Tot Trays. So four children on one page won’t work.
And the book didn’t really fit anywhere this year. Additionally, it has no personality. It is a long floppy rectangle of pages. Kind of reminds me of an overcooked asparagus. Seriously. But at least it was printed on post-consumer recycled pages.
Enter Jolanthe. (Isn’t she pretty? She looks famous, too.)
Bless this woman. She really keeps me organized and hopping. (By the way, don’t you think she did a fantastic job of Naomi’s blog?) I mean . . . I am already thinking about what planner to use and it is only MAY!!!! I may get organized yet!
You can join me in organizing and preparing for your school year . . . your next school year. I understand that it is nice to take a break . . . but don’t take too much of one . . . staying up late at night in early August to begin schooling in the latter part of August or early September. Plan ahead. Start school rested.
Think ahead.
I dare you.
Use Jolanthe’s Weekly Homeschool Planner! I’m going to because . . .
I can write in it. Well, my computer can.
I like the font she uses.
It is editable.
She is my bloggy friend and soon-to-be-IRL-friend.
Her planner works like my brain does.
It is editable.
I can use it with multiple children. Multiple ages.
I can use it over and over and over and over.
It is editable. (Did I already mention that?)
It has a page (page 9) where I can make multiple check marks. I like big red check marks.
What’s inside the fully-editable pdf planner?
138 planning pages ~ 8 1/2" x 11" sized
12 blank month-at-a-glance pages
40 weeks of weekly planning and journal sheets: each page can be customized to the
subjects that your family studies and can be saved to your computer! -
Preschool planning sheets
Field trip/Event plan sheets
Yearly curriculum planning sheets
Yearly planning and evaluation sheets
Yearly attendance tracking sheets
Daily to-do lists (Daily 6, anyone?)
Main dish menu planner
Customizable chore charts
Important contacts info
Additional note space
Standardized testing and yearly assessment result tracking
Homeschooling requirement planning
Wanna Win a Fabulous Weekly Homeschool Planner?
And be organized like me? Or we can try together?
Mandatory: Leave a comment and tell me if you plan ahead for the school week or do you write what you did in your current homeschool planner.
Optional Extra Entries – 1 comment per each entry.
Like Jolanthe’s Homeschool Planner on Facebook.
View a sample of the planner here and tell me what you like about it!
Tell me something that you learned this year that shocked you.
Become a fan of my blog.
Subscribe to my blog.
Tweet about the giveaway, making sure to include @GranolaMom4God.
Write a blog post about your quiet times or your child’s quiet time and link up!
Write on the Granola Mom 4 God Facebook Fan page!
Giveaway Ends: Thursday, June 2, 2011 @ Midnight. Winner will be contacted via email and will have 48 hours to respond.