Time to Vote (again)
So, I’ve been hinting at move. A blog move, that is. With the help of my most excellent designer, Amy Bayliss, I will be moving from Blogger to WordPress. It has been in the works for some time.
Been given much prayer. A thing like this . . . is time consuming.
There are a lot of reasons. I could bore you with the details. But the biggest justification is that I strongly feel that God has pushed me in that direction. Please email me personally (thegranolamom4god at gmail dot com) if you wish for me to provide a more thorough answer.
If you want to go through a similar process, I highly recommend you join the DIY Ministry.
In lieu of time, though, I am moving on to a new vote.
You blessed me with your opinion once before. It was a tie. Sooo . . . I picked my favorite combination out of the two winners and here is the result.
Will you vote again? I need an image. Something that represents me . . . my blog . . . your experience here. What would you like to see. Let me provide some ideas. What image has Granola Mom 4 God written all over it (not literally folks)?
Now, my first pick . . . would have trees in it. But two of my favorite blogs use trees . . . and I need my “brand” to be unique.
#1 . . . my favorite flower and color . . .
#2 . . . I love the colors and how nurturing this image is . . .
#3 . . . well, this nails our family and the blog . . . but is it warm enough?
#4 . . . so sweet . . .
#5 . . . capturing our mission minded heart and the reason for my blog
#6 . . . teaching “my peeps” . . .
#7 . . . Do I count Ruth as the 5th bird?
#8 . . . warm . . . inviting . . . giving . . .
#9 . . .I like the colors and the healthy food choices . . .
#10 . . . in image that sticks in your brain. (Asher questions the reasoning on this one . . . though he does like it.)
10 choices.
Which is your favorite? (All images come from istockphoto.com)