Tot School: 29 Months
Mr. Smiley is currently 29 months old, and still smiling.
School was more about learning how to adjust to having a new sister (who now has her own blog that will SLOWLY be developing into a living manual for Sweet Pea– my way of journaling about raising a homemaker).
It has taken him a while to figure out that the baby we always talked about and pointed to . . . is no longer in mommy’s belly. She is the little pink bundle floating around from person to person.
Smiley has spent a lot of time playing on his Plasma Car that we won over on Carisa’s site. He doesn’t quite use it as it was intended, but he certainly can go just as fast, if not faster.
He has had a lot of fun playing in the leaves.
So, last week was all about adjusting, and learning to be one of the boys. With the birth of Sweet Pea, it kind of marked Smiley’s end of hanging out with Mom, and entering Dad’s world.
Smiley found himself helping Dad out in the garage, hanging pictures, taking bike rides, and working in the yard . . . in addition to playing smackdown, wrestling, and playing with Nerf Dart guns.
Boy stuff.
To see what others did that was actually more Tot School related, head on over to Carisa’s blog, 1+1+1=1.