What I’ve Been Baking
You know how I’ve been talking about going on a mission trip? Well, one of the reasons I have been taking about such an adventure is because we had a Wondermill Grain Electric Grain Mill arrive on our doorstep one day.
God speaks in mysterious ways.
Because you see, this kid – he REALLY feels strongly that God has a family mission trip in store for us. And I agree. I can’t shake it. I dream about it.
So we began praying for a creative way to raise money. The two ideas we came up with were:
- sprouting wheat berries and shipping them out to you
- grinding the wheat and selling them at the farm store where we get our milk (or shipping them to you)
The very next day, I received an email asking me if I wanted to use and review the WonderMill Electric Grain Mill.
Ummm . . . yea. Never thought grain would be a confirmation from God.
(Do the Bible Study Experiencing God if you want to learn why I saw this as a confirmation that God was indeed telling us to go on a mission trip.)
Experimenting with Recipes
So, I have been experimenting and devising my own recipes or adapting old recipes to meet our current eating habits.
If you eat grain . . . because some people can eat what if it is non-GMO and sprouted, then I REALLY think you will want to try out my sprouted wheat delicacies.
Wheat Scones with Dried Cherries
Sprouted Chocolate Chip Cookies
Chocolate Vanilla Marble Cake with Raspberry Frosting
Kombucha Orange Sprouted Wheat Muffins
And if you are looking for an excellent electric grain mill, I HIGHLY recommend the Wondermill Electric Grain Mill. (It sure beats doing one cup of grain at a time in the Vitamix . . . and even then not all of the grain would be ground.)
Now I just need to acquire an efficient dehydrator.
Another Fund Raising Idea
Would you have interest in a cover for your Continuous Kombucha brew? (I currently don’t have one on my continuous brew . . . but due to fruit fly season, I have been thinking of getting out the old sewing machine.
Thoughts? Any takers?

You are right, God works in mysterious ways!! I think you have some good ideas. Another possibility might be to sell your items at your local farmer’s market. I have been considering doing the same thing with my gluten-free low-carb baked goods in order to raise money for purchasing books for doing an inductive Bible study with some girls from church. Whatever you decide, I pray that God will lead you, guide you and give you the energy to serve Him in this way!!