Winners All Around
We have a winner . . . a Dayspring winner . . . $35 to spend at the store. I told our winner that I wish I had won my own giveaway! But alas . . . that wouldn’t be very fair – and Dayspring already sent me the free goodies!
So Wendi knows . . . she found out on her anniversary “get-a-way” . . . but I also wanted to let you know that Dayspring is having a sale.
Several times this Christmas season, I heard or read the following verse:
Through the tender mercy of our God,
With which the Dayspring from on high has visited us;
(Luke 1:78)
Dayspring is defined as dawn, the coming of morning, or the return of the Messiah who will bring healing . . .
So . . . as you purchase your gifts or decorations for your home, whatever the season, I challenge you to make selections that remind you of the Messiah that has come . . . and is returning.
Consider browsing . . .
- Jesus is the Gift Collection– all items 75% off
- Love Came Down Collection– 50% to 75% off (I *heart* this section of the store.)
- All Calendars are 50% off
- Journals- Buy 2 get 1 Free
But only purchase . . . if . . . and only if . . . it is something that will promote a meaningful family tradition that causes you to ponder on Christ our Savior . . . or is a gift that will help the recipient reflect upon God’s love for them . . . and you actually have the money in your bank account.