2nd Grade Update
What has tons of energy, loves loud music, builds Legos, still enjoys snuggling, and has mastered the art of using his larynx to create bullet noises?
A seven year old, Ezra.
Or Mr. EZ.
As I sit here an ponder this little boy, thinking of words to describe him, there just aren’t phrases that fit as they put him in a box which will never contain this endearing young man. He is like a spring waiting to expand and a lap dog anxious to have his back scratched.
How a Second Grader Starts His Day
Most mornings begin with personal devotions. Currently, Ezra is working his way through Gotta Have God. (Note: That is NOT a Christmas tree you see in the background. It is a Valentine Tree . . . that is now a St. Patrick’s Day tree. Don’t judge.)
And if I am still finishing my time with the Lord, there are always Legos to be built.
A Second Grader’s School Day
While I clean the kitchen from breakfast and finish tasks from my business, Ezra begins his independent school work – Teaching Textbooks 3, handwriting, typing, and sometimes Wordly Wise.
School, or rather, Typing Instructor is completed standing up. If I allowed him to, Ezra would spend hours practicing his typing – because it is a game to be conquered.
Much like taekwondo.
His diligence to become one of the most improved students not only occurred in the ring but at the school desk, as he meets regularly with All About Reading Level 3.
Initially, each lesson would take us two days – but as his confidence and concentration have improved, we are zipping through each lesson (so long as a marker is able to knife hand strike the practice words – the stickers now take too much time.)
Ezra is trying to finish A Reason for Handwriting B, so that he can move on to book C – because it’s cursive you know – and that’s what Asher already knows how to draft on spy notes.
We have opted not to do Memory Masters in Classical Conversations this year, mostly because I have been seeking to eliminate stress in the home and we are putting an emphasis on completing their books in Awana. (However, their focus is getting an award.)
The lack of intense memory work hasn’t stopped Ezra from presenting an entertaining puppet show on, “What Does the Fox Say?”
Challenge’s for a Second Grader:
While music is a release for my second grader, his time with his guitar is a love hate relationship. He adores the weekly guitar lessons. But meeting one on one with Stinky (my guitar) does not always end with love and praise.
It is one thing to have an encouraging missionary teach you how to play the guitar and another to look in your practice book (which I must say is one of the best guitar books I have come across.)
But he can’t get enough of flipping through our guitar flash cards. Go figure? Kids LOVE to memorize!
Highlights in a Second Grader’s Week:
Gymnastics is where Ezra truly gets to be Ezra.
And he is loving being able to teach Gabe . . . and I didn’t say this, but tell Gabe what to do.
Just for fun: