40 Books for 2014
There are some 40 books in this list. It appears to be a rather imposing list. The stack of books I currently own on this list is sitting beside me.
They are teetering precariously beside my computer.
And more will be added, because not all of the book club novels have been chosen. We are waiting for a few more people to vote.
- Three Musketeers – Alexander Dumas
- The Secret Keeper — Kate Morton (book club)
- Love’s Sweet beginning (Review February 9th-ish)
- Rachel (Review (February 9th-ish)
- My Amish Boyfriend (Review February 16th-ish)
- The Dream Dress (Review February 23rd-ish)
- The Hobbit (with the kids and this beautiful book)
- What Alice Forgot (book club) Finished – loved this book. It has profoundly affected my mothering. Be warned for the occasional F-bomb and mention of the adulterous relationships.
- New Testament (mostly listening to this on YouVersion)
- A Million Little Ways – Emily P. Freeman (just finished this today!) Review coming!
- Beautiful Outlaw – John Eldridge
- The War of Art & Do the Work — Steven Pressfield (book club)
- Ms. Understood: Rebuilding the Feminine Equation – Jen Hatmaker
- The Happiness Project – Gretchen Rubin
- The Circle Maker – Mark Batterson
- The Ministry of Motherhood – Sally Clarkson (part of the Bold Year Challenge)
- Whispers of Hope – Beth Moore (review)
- Healing: God’s Forgotten Gift – Dr. David Stewart, Don Clark, & Sandy Sutter
- Hands Free Mama (thanks for the Amazon gift card MaKenzie!)
- A Year of Biblical Womanhood – Rachel Held Evans
- Preemptive Love – Jeremy Courtney (review)
- Jim and Casper Go to Church: Frank Conversations about Faith, Churches, and Well-Meaning Christians – Jim Hinderson, Matt Casper, George Barna
- Traveling Mercies – Anne Lamott
- Interrupted – Jen Hatmaker
Technical Books
- Google+ for Business
- 500 Social Media Marketing Tips
- Bird by Bird – Anne Lamott
- The Tao of Twitter
- Pinterest for Business – Karen Leland
- Recovering the Lost Tools of Learning – Todd Wilson
- Climbing Parnassus – Tracy Lee Simmons
- Keep the Siblings, Lose the Rivalry – Cartmell
- Bringing up Girls – James Dobson
- Preparing for Adolescence – James Dobson
- Parenting Today’s Adolescent – Dennis and Barbara Rainey
- The Big Book of Laugh Out Loud Jokes for Kids – Rob Elliott (review)
- Heaven at Home – Ginger Plowman
- Fit to Burst – Rachel Jankovic
- Eat Like Jesus – Andrew Hoy
- I Quit Sugar
- In Defense of Food – Michael Pollan
This year is a year of learning, growing, expanding my brain. Returning to life. Adulthood. Organization. I plan on living more. Loving better. Practicing art. For this reason, my book list leans heavily on non-fiction. While I LOVE escaping – I am discovering that this technique isn’t always helpful. Often my fiction reading serves as an addictive drug.
Have you ever felt that before?
What books will you be reading?

currently on my nightstand or on my Nook…
The Love Dare For Parents
Thrashing About With God
Modern Calligraphy
The First Phone Call From Heaven
Oh . . . I am interested in that Modern Calligraphy!