A Bible For Your Kitchen: Giveaway
There sits in my kitchen, a Bible.
Be quiet. Yes, another Bible.
What is Different about a Waterproof Bible?
That is kind of a rhetorical question.
It’s waterproof!
Because of its durability, this Bible lends itself to improved usage. It welcomes water and doesn’t become ruffled over a bit of dampness.
Coffee? This Bible wants its own Starbucks and the pages won’t stain nearly as bad as your teeth.
The Waterproof Bible literally encourages you to read the Word of God.
Unusual Normal Usage
A Waterproof Bible can go into unusual areas of your house. Shall we call them slightly unclean little rooms? You know what I am talking about.
Who cares? Once you are done taking care of your paperwork {grins}, take the Bible in with you for a bath or shower.
Don’t most moms claim that the shower is the only place they get a moment of peace?
That is what this Bible is about. The Bardin & Marsee Waterproof Bible, that is.
Sure, it performs in abnormal and inclement weather, but it weathers the most important storms, spills, and learning moments that happen at the kitchen table.
I don’t know that I need to say more.
Kid Friendly
So often I WANT to read scripture at the kitchen table, or have a snack while doing our Grapevine Studies, but I don’t.
I know that I will . . . umm . . . throw that milk saturated Bible should an accident happen. And that isn’t very . . . Jesus-like.
I figure that the more I use my Waterproof Bible, the less sinful I’ll become. {grin} My kids appreciate how kid friendly my new Bible is.
Bibles are meant to be used.
Take your Bible into the most used room of your home. Let it be present. Let the life-changing words bless your family.
Who Would I Give This Bible To?
I would HIGHLY recommend the Bardin & Marsee Waterproof Bible for a new mom. Here is why: she is busy, leaking milk, drinking lots of water, and getting puked upon. Give her a Bible that will take her through motherhood and allow her to get into the Word of God daily, without the risk of ruining her Bible.
Of course, you don’t have to be a new mom to read the Waterproof Bible.
It is perfect for:
- the ocean
- long, hot, and relaxing baths
- waiting at swim lessons
- a water park
- children (especially if you are forming a quiet time habit that involves a beverage)
- lunch breaks at work
- base camp at Mt. Everest (too heavy for the Summit, though)
- during a waterbirth
- camping
- fly fishing (the Bible floats)
- backpacking in an igloo (you think I jest, but remember the Engineer backpacks in the winter)
- combat — desert or monsoon conditions, even submarines
Free Shipping
If any of those ideas resonate with you, you can use the code FREESHIP7 to get your own Mardin & Barsee Waterproof Bible that comes in several different translations, colors, and can be personalized. Coupon code is valid until 12/31/12.
OR win a copy here at Granola Mom 4 God! (subscribers please click here to view the webpage.)
Giveaway is only open to US and military addresses. Winner will be sent an email that must be replied to within 48 hours.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Lots of Reviews . . . and more importantly – GIVEAWAYS! Visit these lovely ladies:
- Amy at http://www.livingandlearningathome.com
- Daniele at http://www.domesticserenity.org
- Mary at http://www.theencouraginghome.com
Please note: I received my pink ESV Bardin & Marsee Waterproof Bible for free. I was blessed monetarily for the time my family invested in purposefully soaking this Bible. All of my opinions are honest, and I was not required to post a positive review

On our family hiking outings and the bath tub 🙂
The most unusual place I might use this Bible: in a rainstorm?
In the bathtub.
Im a new mom (8 months)and I need a new Bible because the one I have, the print is so small and it seems like my eyes are getting worse so I rarely read it ::( And Im always in the kitchen!
Here on the Texas Gulf Coast…..I’m thinking HURRICANE-PROOF!
We’re pretty tame. I can’t think of anything more unusual than using it and not worrying about it getting splashed on while I watch the kids play in the bathtub.
Even though I have 3 active kids and a hubby in the military, I could see this as being wonderful for me–I may be the least active, but I’m definitely the most clumsy! Certainly a good kitchen bible!
So neat! I’ve never seen these Bibles. The kitchen & bathtub would probably be the most adventurous places for me to take a Bible. 🙂
The lakeside.
Hanging around by the pool…the dogs can shake a lot of water.
lkish77123 at gmail dot com
I could of used it for Sukkot this year when we camped out. Actually we get a lot of rain around Sukkot around here. I think I can think of a few other places with this Bible with it being waterproof.
OK, not super unusual but realistic for me…in the bathroom.
I would use in the bathroom 😉
I often read in the tub. This would be perfect.
At the park no need to make an excuse on a rainy day!
I guess the bathroom would be the most unusual place for this type of book
Not too adventurous but this would be our “at the table” Bible. With 4 boys 10 yo and under, spills happen all the time!!! 🙂
Let’s see, I don’t do baths, with 7 kids who has time for that, so I could take it in the shower, but really I don’t think so. I practically live in the kitchen, but wouldn’t have time to read it there, I am doing the obvious, always. Somewhere unusual? I would have to say our entry way/ mudroom so to speak. Most of the time it is quiet there if the kids are all in the house and less obvious for mom to be out there, we do have a desk and chair out there so how perfect and I can view the yard/barn from there 🙂 Better bring my cappuccino.
All over the great outdoors, because I want it for my kids. They could read it outside, take it to the beach with us, and even read it at the table, where spills are frequent. 🙂
I’d take this camping
At the table during lunchtime, while bathing little ones, and even in my everyday bag (which has been known to get soggy on occasion…) – great idea!!
Probably while bathing my children and feeding baby.
I would most certainly read in the shower…. and dishes too!!
Our pastor actually suggests that we “soak” in the word of God… in the bath! I always have my 4 year old daughter sit nearby so she can hand me a towel to ddry my hands bf I touch my Bible.
Camping… the picnic table is always crowded and spills happen often!
In the bathroom. During bathtime.
I want to keep one in the kitchen. But the bath tub sounds like a great place too!
Probably in the bath or shower. It’s the only quiet time I get!
We homeschool and some of our favorites times are early morning nature walks around the 35 acres we live on. sometimes there is dew on the ground and we can never take our books since they may get wet. I would also you this in the tub since some days that is the only place I can get alone time. 🙂
I just need one because I spill on my Bibles all the time– raspberry lemonade pinks many a page!! But I would read at the pool at our waterpark where we go yearround with a season pass!
I can think of many great places to use this bible: in a bubble bath, watching the kids build snowmen, at the beach, the list goes on….
I don’t know how “unusual” it is… but camping at the lake…. ANYwhere outside! AND in my vehicle…. the pages would stand up to the wear and tear well, I think…..
Not very unusual, but probably my bathroom.
Could definitely bring it ‘tubing’! Near here, we go tubing in the river and it can be up to a 3 hour run, so a waterproof Bible would be perfect!! 🙂
Camping, probably. No need to worry about spills.
I would love to bring the waterproof bible with me to the beach.
I would use it in my bath tub or shower. Sometimes I go there to just relax and get quiet with God. 🙂
Around my nursing and teething children.
I would use mine in a water birthing tub while in labor!
I would love to be able to read in the tub. 🙂
Most unusual place I would use this Bible? Probably the kitchen, but it’s hard to say with all the possibilities. 🙂
I would read it in the bathtub or maybe on the treadmill while I’m dripping with sweat.