An Invitation to Coffee
Every morning I sit down to have a cup of coffee. I find myself lingering over that cup of coffee having discovered Avodah Coffee. It is in the wee hours of the new day that my fingers connect to the key board and I write, tweet, fiddle with photo editing, or if I am in a good mood — reach out on Facebook.
Goodbye Superficial Relationships
I’ve come to the point where I want to get a bit more personal. My friends in real life will tell you that I abhor superficial relationships. At times I have created very akward moments because rather than ask socially acceptable questions, I inquire how their relationship with Jesus is, if they have read their Bible recently, how their marriage is fairing, or what God has been teaching them.
And I want my friends do ask the hard questions back.
I detest talking on the phone. If I can’t see someone then I can’t totally understand what they are saying apart from their body language.
Stepping Out of my Comfort Zone: The Invitation
I want to invite you to my home. All of you — the people who read this here blog, Granola Mom 4 God and are a part of the same tribe.
I’m asking you to do something that may be out of your comfort zone.
The reality is that it is somewhat impossible for every single one of you to visit our controlled chaos. (Though a few of you have.)
Because our house isn’t large enough from some of your immediate families, will you just send me a photo of you or of you and your family (which is what I would rather have, no offense.) I want to see who you daily serve.
What Will I do with Your Photo?
I have no plans of posting your photos on my blog, just in a frame beside my computer. I want you to join me for coffee each morning, as we plan what I write that day or study in the future.
I want to connect your face, your family, and your struggles with the comment you leave on my blog.
Will you take a leap of faith and send me your photograph?
Like I said, I will not post your family online for the world to see.
But I will pray for you when I see your face.
I will write in such a way as to write for you.
You Will Need this Address
Go ahead. Send it now to thegranolamom4god at gmail dot com.
Do you have a friend who asks you the hard questions? Who really cares about your heart?

Sent! Thank you for being the one who asks the hard questions…and thank you for reaching out to your readers and for praying for my family specifically! Keep up the good work 🙂
Sela . . . I just realized. I was in your city in October. Twice. Bummer. We could have gotten coffee and been IRL friends. The Engineer is taking his doctorate class at CSU, so we may be neighbors at some point!!!
PS. I loved your picture. You guys look classy!
LOVE it! Yes…that picture will represent so many. I wish we could have chatted more this past weekend…praying we have a chance to really sit and savor a cup of coffee and some good chats that are uncomfortable – that’s where truth is.
Considering we run in the same circles . . . that coffee may happen (one of these days!) So great to meet you this past weekend!!!!
I’ll send you one in a minute, I’ve got a few to rifle through to find a good one. Thanks for asking the tough questions; I think if we were neighbors we’d be really good friends. I have very few true friends because I ask the tough questions too, and don’t like to talk on the phone. Although for my long distance friends and family I make myself do it. I’m working on being a better friend though and meeting people where they are instead of thinking about myself. I get caught up with my own idea of how I could help a friend instead of finding out how she wants to be helped. Thanks for keeping it real in a virtual world. 🙂
I loved your family photo. Thanks so much for giving me a sneak peak into your family. I too like being behind the camera. We sound so similar!!! I’ll keep trying to ask the tough questions and I expect ya to answer. 🙂
You are so awesome. that’s all.
2 comments in one day? Honored! 🙂 I love you more.
LOVE this! Love that we connected deep, felt like we’d always been friends. I too hate the phone, but am a sucker for e-mailing…missing the depth of community from being with so many women….thank you for reaching out and enfolding me, and being true to who you are! I’ll be sending you our pic, but it will need to be updated when baby girl joins us 😀
I really wish that we would have had more time to hang out. Where were you? Just kidding. Kind of. I can’t tell you how heart warming it was to me that you dragged that coat all the way to the conference. And I have to say, Gabe loves it. He feels really special because of it — and he thinks that it has given him hero powers. Send that picture.
Sister, I just love it! I may steal this idea! I’ll send you a pic directly. so, so happy we got to meet finally! We need to start some sorta group or something…coffee chicks…
Love this idea!
Jodi —- You crack me up and made me feel so much better about my lack of wanting to talk to my firends on the phone. I love chatting and catching up quick but I would rather meet up with someone for an hour then just surface talk on the phone. I LOVE how you use the word detest… it seems so strong but I feel so strongly about my deep relationships that it fits it to a T. I often feel guilty that I don’t call my friends every day to see what is going on… but really who has that time. I ask the deep questions too and I try to be that listening ear. It’s hard because I think some friends still don’t know how to take my concern. I send all my friends cards, notes, give random gifts, text to say I’m here… and at times I get the feedback I hope for and other times not. I think I am like Courtney when she says ” I get caught up with my own idea of how I could help a friend instead of finding out how she wants to be helped. ” I do the same thing and I have been praying to help myself think that not everyone wants my help at that time or needs it in a different manner! I will send you my picture soon!!
Have a marvelous day!!!
I had no idea how dramatic my wording had been on that post!!! One of my friends commented today on my usage of the word DETEST. Perhaps that was strong. Oh . . . it was, but it was also true. I don’t know why, though. I think I know that I am not real when I am on the phone so how could anyone else be? Right? However, maybe most people don’t multitask like I do when I am on the phone. And I am sooooo distracted when someone multitasks when I am talking with them. Sigh. When can we get together for coffee? {Grin}
I don’t have one yet but I will get one to you this weekend!
Shannon @ Fishing for Good Kiddie Lit and Loving The Semi Country Life
Great!!! Thanks!