Curriculum 2013-2014
School was supposed to start August 19th. It began yesterday. While planned for an earlier start this past weekend, it arrived sooner than I had anticipated. But it was necessary. With the dawning of the school day, the bickering diminished, the chattering became quite — contemplative thoughts, and the wonder of learning settled upon our household like a much needed computer reboot.
Thankfully, I was prepared. We passed out books, organized our color-coded tubs, sharpened pencils, and delicately attempted to open new and stiff marker boxes, making sure to avoid ripping the Crayola crispness.
And I began that difficult, yet important dance of balancing school, teaching essential oils classes, my social media job(s), taekwondo, laundry, fermenting and housework.
Our Core
All of us – I mean all of us, including Naomi are steeped in Classical Conversations.
We will be doing Foundations again (which focuses on a significant amount of memory work, history, Bible, and mapping). Thankfully, I will be a tutor again for Classical Conversations to keep up with the memory work! Asher will begin Essentials, which uses Excellence In Writing.
My boys love history. I think it is because of all the war stories – and tales of adventure. We are switching gears and will be using The Mystery of History. I am SUPER excited about the addition of this curriculum to our school year.
While Classical Conversations does include science experiments and memorizing science facts, the boys really want to study Apologia Anatomy. {grins} However, they nearly passed out from a weak stomach when flipping through the pictures in the textbook!
Read Alouds / Audio Books
- We have a subscription to Audible – and with this Motorola T505 Portable In-Car Speakerphone we have consumed numerous books while driving and listening to Audible.
- Jim Hodges is becoming a fast favorite. (He is having a HUGE Back to School sale – featuring a discount on his audio books from 28-52% off!)
- We often check out audio books from the library using Overdrive.
- We continue to read through our YWAM Heroes of the Faith at night.
- Lunches are frequently eating while devouring Lamplighter literature.
Crazy how handy my phone is for school!
Ezra and I are mainly learning guitar from Guitarmann. (Remember my readers get a 20% discount using the code granola.)
But at the Indiana Homeschooling Conference, I met a super duper sweet couple who have developed a neat guitar curriculum (among other instruments). So we are going to add this to our repertoire because it teaches theory. Unfortunately they do not have a website, so please let me know if you would like their phone number.
Gabe and Naomi are working on their Tubano drumming skills that we purchased from West Music (by the way, they have a REALLY fun catalog.)
Grapevine Studies – we love their traceables and I am super excited about the release of the New Testament. Grapevine is great because it is JUST the Bible!
Apologia Who Am I?
Fourth Grade Curriculum
I clearly remember being in fourth grade. It was the year I chopped off my hair that I had been able to sit on. Mrs. Hyssop read chapter books to us. I wore sweater vests.
It was a good year though. Braces brought my teeth together.
And I have high hopes for all that the Lord has directed Asher to do . . .
(Sneak peak from our visit to All About Learning headquarters.)
- Teaching Textbooks 5
- Visual Latin – LOVE this video series!!!
- Wordly Wise 3
- A Reason for Handwriting Cursive D
- Awana Homeschool T & T Book 2
- Chess
Second Grade Curriculum
- All About Reading: Level 3 (giveaway coming soon!)
- A Reason for Handwriting: Level B & Classical Conversations Prescripts
- Teaching Textbooks 3 (Ezra woke up at 7:30 this morning and BEGGED to do another lesson!)
- Wordly Wise 2
- Awana Homeschool Sky Stormer
- Chess
Kindergarten Curriculum
- Memoria Press
Gabe is so excited to be in kindergarten. If you have ever met him, I am sure he has already told you at least 10 times that he is in kindergarten because he is 5. He tells complete strangers he is 5 and is growing up. He also shares other pieces of information that make me blush.
To see Gabe’s complete curriculum, visit Memoria Press. I will most likely be blogging about his kindergarten adventure separately. I’ve been thinking about hosting a weekly link up.
Anyone using Memoria Press?
- Awana Homeschool Hang Glider
Upon Gabe’s ardent request, we are keeping Math-U-See as part of our daily routine. He adores watching the videos and playing with the blocks. We will be finishing the Primer and begin Alpha. (Don’t forget you can download my Number Stamp printable to help little hands that have a hard time writing numbers here.)
Almost 3 Year Old Curriculum
Naomi has her own little desk, that she guards diligently. It is filled with books, pencils, crayons and all things pink.
- She will be mostly doing Tot School things . . . .
- Signing Time videos
- and Awana Homeschool Puggles
Phew!!! All done now.
Wait . . . Bonus learning . . .
Evolution: The Grand Experiment
and Exploring Geology with Mr. Hibb
Now I am done.
How Will We Accomplish All of this Learning?
I am actually using a planner. Lesson planning is a beautiful thing. You see the big picture. My boss gave me this planner to aide me (I think she wanted me to be more productive.)
Linking up with iHomeschool Network “Not-Back-to-School Blog Hop.”
Curriculum 2012-2013 (not a complete list, but I can’t find a post itemizing everything!)

The routine of school work is so helpful for all of us, isn’t it?! We officially began on Monday also (with short weeks planned), but the full routine probably won’t settle in until September after we get all the older kids off to college. 😮 Still seems crazy.
Have a great year! one day at a time 🙂
Yay for Kindergarteners! My son is sooo excited about it too!
I had to chuckle at the Awana “Puggles”–we *have* an actual puggle, but it’s a pug/beagle cross instead of a platypus-looking thing.
I don’t use Memoria Press, but I’ve been really interested in reading about how it works for others. I’d love it if you’d show what it’s like so I could be better informed. 🙂
Happy NOT Back to School!
We haven’t started yet. But we always start in September. I like playing in August when everyone else is back in school! Perfect for bike rides and picnics.
Come join the Memoria Press Blog Roll! (the button will soon be updated, but the roll will stay!)
I was glad to see another CC mama on the blog hop! I really like the looks of memoria press’ curriculum!! Fun Stuff!
How do you like the typing curriculum? I am looking for something for my 3rd grader. Memoria Press is a good curriculum. My sister uses it with her kids(K,2nd and 5th). We prefer to be more eclectic.
I really like it. The kids stay engaged with it!!!