New Name and a Kitchenaid Stand Mixer Giveaway
In the Bible, significant events are often marked by creating altars or casting off a person’s given name in order to take on a name more appropriate for a change in their life.
I unearthed at least 37 times where historical figures in the Bible were given a new name or adopted an alternative translation of their name.
- Simon became Peter.
- Naomi woefully became Mara.
- Sarai rightfully walked into the name Sarah.
- Most remarkable was the change in Saul to Paul.
Such a time has come for Granola Mom 4 God.
The Blog Has A New Name
Granola Mom 4 God has officially adopted the name
There are many reasons behind this change. Reasons that really just express God’s new work in me, a sign of the times and online writing, and a shift from being review focused to a return to traditional blog writing, where my writing isn’t dominated or controlled by the company I may or may not be dialoging with.
To me, the name change represents freedom. Freedom to write. Freedom to express or remain silent.
Where We Have Been
I’ve certainly come a long way. When I first started blogging, I didn’t even allow you to know my name from birth, Jodi. And now you even know my last name.
In Hindi, my name means water. Apparently in Hebrew it means, “God shall add another son.” (Maybe this is why I have three sons?). But baby name books mention a term I would not agree with: sweet. It was most popular in the year 1970 . . . six years prior to my May birth. By being spelled with an “i”, it more feminine than the popular “y” version that the majority of strangers prefer to write my name. It is linked to Judith and Joseph in origin.
Granola Mom 4 God began as a way to share my recipes with friends. Then, it became an electronic scrapbook. Next I found that it helped me document our homeschooling which opened up all sorts of online friendships, opportunities to generate income, and a new job as a social media manager.
But now . . .
Where is Going
But now, I wish to return to the blog’s inception. I wish to engage. I wish to have a space that is my outlet and a place where I interact with you better. I want my words to be trustworthy and not leave you to ask questions as to why I am sharing something that doesn’t relate to my normal content. I am tired of deadlines. Tired of writing for the Company.
What you might be seeing . . . when time allows are the following items:
- how to dehydrate Celtic Sea Salt in order to pay $20 less
- recipes that do not have any dairy or grain
- a look into arthritis
- how to tackle psoriasis
- a focus on homeschooling
- a peak at our square foot gardening this year
- some . . . book reviews – because I just can’t resist a vacation read
- and I am hoping to have you walk through my personal weight loss journey
Now To Officially Celebrate
I’ve been promising a giveaway for some time on Facebook. I gave those the “fans” a choice between a Vitamix or a Kitchenaid Mixer. The mixer one. And I must admit, I need one really bad, too. However, the winner will be one of you.
My Kitchenaid Stand Mixer is in a very sorry state.
The pin that connects the top of the machine – like the heavy part of the mixer that houses the motor . . . falls out. And sometimes this heavy component falls off . . . while the running.
And the on/off switch? It’s permanently on. My kids think it is just normal. So they don’t plug the mysterious black mixer on until they are ready to begin mixing ingredients.
It’s been a good workhorse. But he is 15 years old. And I never dreamed I would be using it to serve a family of 6.
To Celebrate Our New Journey
Enter to win a brand new Kitchenaid Stand Mixer or (equivalent Amazon gift card)!
The catch? You have to enter . . . and it is for US residents only – I think shipping would be prohibitive otherwise – and I am paying for this giveaway with my own pocketbook. However, IF you live elsewhere around the world, or you already have a Kitchenaid Stand Mixer that works fine . . . I will send you an Amazon Gift Card.
There is one thing you HAVE to do . . . you need to click on MY Kitchenaide Stand Mixer Amazon link . . . this doesn’t cost you anything, is painless, but may help me afford this mixer that I will send to you (if you win.) So, go pick out a color here and then enter the Rafflecopter giveaway (note you will need to go to the blog if you are reading this in an email.)
a Rafflecopter giveaway

I changed my name when I married….and that was rather life-changing! 🙂
Yes getting married and changing my name was a huge change in life. Been married almost 23 years now and the new last name has grown on me rather well. 😀
Yay! for you! on the blog re-do/revival.
Ohhhh, color?! on the kitchen aid. 😉 I have a lovely white one that has served us since 1992. Hubby had to sweet talk the motor one season when I was over-doing it with bread mixing, so I stopped that habit. Now it still works wonderfully for cakes and such. So, while I don’t need a new one for my kitchen… we have two adult daughters I could save it for gifting to one, but hopefully not toooo soon.
Thanks, Friend!
While thou tempest me much to reactivate my facebook account for this giveaway, I am resisting! Instead I blogged about your ‘new’ blog and giveaway. 🙂 Okay??
a name change? i guess when i got married
a name change would be appropriate for of course marriage, becoming a mom/dad, and a spiritual defining moment in your life when your relationship with God begins and maybe later on in your walk with the Lord when something special happens between you and God. Great question to ponder.
My son and DIL have one from their wedding so I don’t need one but I could really use an Amazon gift card. Those always work well. Thanks for the great giveaway.
Getting married (or divorced) are appropriate times for name changes and I have used both times.
Oh, the red is so lovely. I have a white Kitchen Aid mixer that is almost 25 yrs. old, hubby bought it for my birthday right after we were married. It is old and tired.
Old and tired. Love that.
My reversion to the faith.
Jodi – you rock! On so many levels!!!!
I’d definitely would pick the green one. For sure!
A name change time that would be appropriate would be when I got married. I had people ask me if I was keeping my maiden name and I just couldn’t understand that. I was beginning a life of covenant with someone new and a new name was/is symbolic of that!!!!
I really like the cobalt blue or the red. I’d love to have a kitchen aid mixer!
And your name suits you and always has. “Sweet” is definitely a good word to describe you. Not the cotton candy, fake sweetness but sweetness of the chocolate variety…a true, smooth, authentic sweetness. Love you, Jodi!
You rock!!! I got your phone message! I will call you back! Oh, I’ll be in TX next month!!!!!!!!!!
How exciting for you, and for us. Congratulations. We have in the past year started our own company and had to give great consideration to the name, and after we spent lots of money to check on the name to see if it was used we had to change the name. All in all, we are very happy that we were made to change it.
A name change would have been appropriate when I got married…Oh wait my name did change then!
A name change already happened! LOL. When I had kids, my name became Mommy. 🙂
I always look forward to getting your email subscription updates and hope that is a possible option with the website. Looking forward to your grain and dairy free recipes and hopefully using a new kitchen aid mixer!!!
Yup! You can still stay subscribed! and if you aren’t — there is a little box on the right sidebar to sign up with your email!
When I became a mom! I didn’t know I would eventually have 4 kids. God has done lots of work in my life through motherhood!
Congrats on the name change and the thoughts behind it.
My name changed when I was married, almost 25 years ago. PTL!
If I ever received a kitchenaid, I’d pick the metallic silver.
Thanks for writing and thinking of others. Blessings!
Congrats on the new blog! I was hoping Indy would put up the practicum dates so we could see each other again this summer! I love the Majestic yellow 🙂
I know . . . we aren’t having a practicum this year. I was toying with the Fishers one . . . but I haven’t signed up yet. I might just be a rebel this year. But we need to come and see you!
I just love your blog & I am excited about the name change. My husband & I moved to a new state when our daughter was a yr old. We didn’t have jobs lined up & had to live with my grandmother. It was scary but exciting. We were starting a new adventure together as a family…that was a name changing event 🙂
I would choose the gift card because I want to replace my KitchenAid with a Bosch mixer because I primarily use it for making bread. The big event in my life was probably last year when my daughter was stillborn. God did a work in my life and the healing and growth have been amazing!
Thank you for sharing that huge event in your life — yes, something like losing your daughter would be a time when you might have a name change (at least in Bible times). What do you think would be a fitting name?
Excited for you, Jodi!
I’m excited to see you this summer!
Name change when I got married.
Name change, like most women, when I got married. I am happy to be married to my best friend (25 years later) and happy to share his name. And, the Kitchen Aid rocks!
Congrats on the new focus and name! I’m going to be greedy and take a new Kitchen Aid in stainless steel. But, I’m going to be oh so generous and share my “old” Kitchen Aid with you — it’s red — and works wonderfully! So, no pressure random software selector – but a win for me means a win for Jodi!! 😉
I love you. I Vitamix is Red too, ya know! Perfect. So I have no control over who wins, but I would love a new red mixer! Say, when can I come to your pretty house and teach a Biblical oils class? And I still haven’t logged into My Fitness Pal . . . waiting on my Slique kit to arrive — hopefully today!
I’m excited about this new/old direction you are taking the blog. What a fun journey this will be!
I am too! It’s fun to enjoy this little space again. Like a comfy old couch. Thanks for entering!
I am too! It’s fun to enjoy this little space again. Like a comfy old couch. Thanks for entering!
When I got married I did change my name, haha, my last name that is.
The only name change I’ve experiences was when I got married. This entered me into a whole new way of life and it was such a change in my life! I am not even close to who I was, but have found me along the journey!!
BTW LOVE the yellow one! Perfect color!
My favorite name change thus far was going from Jenifer to Mommy 🙂
Childbirth was pretty life changing…I guess it wouldn’t need a name change every time but becoming “mommy” each time would work 🙂
My name changed when I got married almost nine years ago. The Lord blessed me with my husband, our daughter and we have one on the way.
The most obvious name change was when I got married. However, there was a time earlier that a name change would have been good. I was into all sorts of not good things, drugs, alcohol, smoking, sleeping around, you name it I did just about all of it. Then, I found my Savior Jesus Christ. I changed. I went the complete opposite of where I was. It has now been over 16 years. What a change it has been. My heart was changed.
I’d say a name change was worthy when I gave up a fabulous career to stay home with my kids and homeschool. Talk about complete change of life plans but one of my best decisions for sure.
I would have loved to change my name when I moved from ny to tn because that was when I truly changed and felt the loving arms of The Lord.
My book has a whole section about God changing names. 🙂 Exciting stuff friend. My main name change came in the form of knowing God had called me “enough.”
My hubby legally changed his last name after he entered a new chapter in hi life as a late teen. it was healing. 🙂
Defining moment? When I got married. And then had to practice writing/signing my new name!
I think your change will be great! Love that you are following His lead for your life. I would really like the green apple color kitchen aide. A name change is appropriate definitely when you get married. I was glad to take my hubby’s name it gave me such a conversation starter!
Eight years ago I gave birth to a special little boy who added ‘special needs’ to my Mom title. I’ve never been the same.
18 years ago I married my best friend and I chose to change my name to show that we have become one! What a great day.
I *did* change my name. And it was a God led thing. When I was 10, my stepdad adopted me. We changed my middle name to include the name my mom had intended for me. Then, months later, we moved to a new state and I opted to start using that new middle name as my actual name.
Rebirth and rebirth within a year. And all a big part of getting to where I am now.
One of my daughter’s will marry next summer and this is one of the items I would love to be able to gift. I am happy for them, of course, but her name change makes me kinda sad! I think it’s great to change the name of your blog for a new season.
What a cool giveaway! I love that you are giving your blog a new name. It’s like a new birth. Congratulations!
I got a name change – when we flipped my recipe site (Cafe Mirecki) over to become Serving From Home and I started writing from the heart :0)
I went the opposite direction on my blog after an issue came up at my church with ladies who were reading my blog and totally misinterpreting me. I changed my blog name and became fairly anonymous: you can now call me Cordelia (NOT my real name) although I’m not scared to share my read name with you in the sign-in to comment above. 😉
In June of 2008 I changed my name and married my highschool sweetheart.
I would say when I became a Christ-follower, a name change would be significant. However, since my name was already Kristin, which means “a Christian,” there was no need for a change there! I would pick becoming a mom as another time that a name change would be significant for me.
I changed my name when I got married.
I changed my twitter name when I had a second child & wanted to be known as more of myself.
When I got married!
when I got married 🙂
My best name change ever was the one to Grammy!
I am also a Jodie, but I am with an I-E. I didn’t always love my name. I always have to spell It because no one asks “with an I-E.?” I wanted to be less unique and more like a Jennifer, but turns it I am a Jodie, with an I-E! I am unique and I am me. I finally embraced it in high school and stopped trying to be someone else. I did change my last name when I became married, but that is so I can honor my husband and share our name with our children.
When I began teaching school.
I changed my blog name a year and a half ago, because my old name made me feel like I was limited to what I should write.
Yup!! I get that!!! I have loved changing the name — I’ll write much of the same. But now I can totally write about something — even if it isn’t organic and crunchy!
I have always wanted a stand mixer and haven’t been willing to spend the money on myself. 🙂
When I was little, everyone called me by a pet nickname that was based on my older sister’s toddler pronunciation of my name (I’m not sharing it because it’s kind of embarrassing!). When I was six years old, my family moved to a new town and I asked my parents if I could start going by my given name, Elizabeth. They thought it was appropriate at the time, and even though I love the cuteness of my childhood nickname, I’ve always been glad I switched to using my real name before I got much older. Sometimes it’s just time for a new name to reflect your new life.
P.S. I clicked over to Amazon. I like the Empire Red option. 🙂
Oh, you have made me curious what your pet nickname was!!!
Changed my name when I got married, almost 24 yrs. Still best friends 🙂
When I gave my heart to Jesus 🙂
Sure would enjoy one of these mixers in my little kitchen. Thank you for the giveaway.
When I accepted Christ, I became a daughter of the King 🙂 Fun giveaway, Jodi!
Congrats on the name change. I like it! I’ve never had the kitchenaid stand mixer. Wish I would’ve registered for it when I got married!
well, i changed my name when i finally married 🙂
When I became a christian!
A defining moment for my name change, the birth of my son! I was blessed to be called “Mom” forever 🙂
I would love the green mixer. My name change occurred when I married my man 37 yrs ago!
Getting married and changing my name was hard to do!!!! I had to master a new signature all over again lol ! 🙂
My baby pink kitchenaid is needing an upgrade. It makes the craziest noises now. It was purchased with money we received as wedding gifts nearly 10 years ago! (Also when I had a name change)
When I got married – that would be a life changing moment and a time to change your name, if you choose.
I grew up knowing the Lord and was baptized as ayoung girl. However, I became a prodigal daughter in my early twenties. When I came back to the Lord and renewed my faith God healed me of depression, fear and distrust. He does indeed make all things new. He gave me a vision of being a precious pearl in the palm of his hand and He had always been holding me, even when I felt I had strayed so far that He was no longer there. Perhaps “Pearl” is the name He would give me… a happy thought 🙂
When I got married to the best man in my life! Everyday is a blessing! He is my true best friend.
What a fantastic giveaway! Marriage is the most appropriate time for a female to change her name, her last name in my opinion.
Ooh, a name change. Well when I get married I plan to change my name. Also growing up I have gone through a variety of nick names that different people decided to call me to shorten down my full name. These are some of the more fun name changes!
My story is deep, so I won’t get into the meaty details, but a name change would have been appropriate for me a couple of years ago when I found some letters that went all the way back to my childhood that revealed that the person I have become as a result of childhood trauma and abuse was built upon years and years of lies. Basically, I was raised as a victim of events that I couldn’t remember and was led to believe I had hidden as a result of suffering severe trauma, but through proven sources (medical and legal records) I was able to find out that everything I was told was completely the opposite of the truth. With that said, I set out on a mission to “find” me, but in reality, I am whoever I choose to be. A new name (first and last) would have been a great start. I may even still consider it.
What a powerful story. Thank you so much for sharing. My words are weak compared to what you have gone through, but I do pray that you would grow into you. Thank you again, Monica.
To be honest, I did a legal name change, but I have also gone thru a marriage, gotten a divorce so several name changes in my life.
I love the Cobalt, and think I’d choose that, but I have most of the colors in my kitchen now (I am a Fiesta freak and have a wide variety) so might choose differently on any given day.
My name change was when I married. That said I think any time it feels right to you is a good time.
I’ve changed my name a number of times. Married 3x and divorced 2x. Third times a charm!
Color? I couldn’t care less what color, I just desperately want a stand mixer!
One day when I marry the man I am with now, I’ll be going from a simple 5 letter last name to an unpronounceable greek one, but that’s quite alright.
Name Change: I’m looking forward to the Second Coming of Christ and when God gives me my heavenly name! In the meantime, I would choose the Green mixer!! It’s so pretty! Thanks for hosting the giveaway and sharing your new “name” and story with us!!
I can’t wait to know our heavenly names!
A name change is always appropriate for a new path in life.
I would choose green apple or empire red. I would definitely choose the mixer over the gift card. I love amazon gift cards but a KitchenAid has been on my wish list for a loooooooooooong time!
i guess when i got married !
My last name changed when I was 5 years old, my step father adopted me. It was one of the best days of my last and that to me was life changing. He may not be my biological dad but he’s my daddy!
name change is appropriate when adopting a child :o)
Getting married.
The only time I changed my name was when I got married! As far as what color KA mixer…I would love the black one! I don’t own a mixer so actually any color would be great!
Name changed when I got married.
When I married my wonderfully sweet hubby.
What an awesome giveaway! I would to win this, it would be such a blessing! The next name change will be when I get married. Thank you for the chance.
Definitely when I got married. My hubby is my soul mate and a blessing!
When I finished my first race I would have liked to change my name to Wonder Woman because I was so amazed.
Congrats!!! That’s awesome!
I might have changed my name when I won a custody battle and rescued two little girls from a life filled with abuse and domestic violence. Call me Victorious.
Thank you for sharing that amazing story!
When I got married. It was life changing, and I did change my name.
When I got married – WIFE and when I had my first kid – MOMMY – very defining events in life.
When I got married. Even though I am divorced I am still not ready to change my name again to my maiden name. I’m leaving it in God’s hands when it will change again but my fiancé and myself both believe and trust in him so I am hoping this will be the last.
I changed my name when I got married….and then had a baby. I am mostly known as “Mommy” these days. 🙂
I changed my last name when I got married, but had several times in my younger days that I wanted to change my first all together…thanks to a particular singer that shares my it.
The only time I’ve changed my name was when I got married. It was a pretty defining moment for me.
I did not, but could have, changed my name when I became a believer. It was definitely life changing, more so even than getting married.
I like the change, and good for you! Makes me want to pick up my blog again…maybe after we finish school for the year 🙂
Defining moment: Name change after marriage, and being a mom.
I changed my name when I finally got the courage to leave an abusive husband of 14 years! I’ve never been happier!
The day I took my husbands last name was a defining moment jn ny life. I want to keep my own too. Since I was older and everyone knew me by my given name I just sdded his ti mine
After the birth of my son my name changed to “Mother”. Best name change ever!
My name changed when I got married!
Other than marriage, when I first became a mother I felt was a pretty momentous event. I now have 9 children and I barely recognize the woman I was way way way back then!
Definitely after being a mother, it’s wonderful yet challenging journey for me 🙂
I would probably choose white, and definitely i’d choose the KitchenAid over the gift card. I’ve always wanted one!
A defining moment in my life would be when I got married and had my son, I love being call mom now 🙂
I didn’t change my name when I was married, but I think about changing it whenever we have kids!
My name changed when I became Grandma! That is a blessing that you can’t describe. I would choose the red mixer as I need one of these so bad!
Congrats on your name change~Wishing you many years of success!!
My defining moment was when got married
Marriage is a defining moment in one’s life when a name change is appropriate.
the green one and the red one are soooo pretty. I long for a kitchenaid mixer and a dyson and I will be the happiest woman on the planet 🙂
When I divorced. He was a drunk and I didnt want people to know or associate me with him
Awesome !
I think when I got saved.
A name changing event other than getting married and having kids? I did use a stage name when I did some community theater and local indie films. I just didn’t like the idea of my real name out there in public. But that wasn’t really a name change. Maybe I haven’t had an event that momentous, yet.
Getting married!
Love your new direction. So grateful for blogs so that we can be a part of these things with others!
Becoming a mom! Certainly defining! And I did gain a new name!!
I wish I would have changed it when I graduated from high school!
I remember when first got married and changed my name that was so unreal and life changing.
Marriage 🙂
After seven years of marriage and five years of trying to conceive, my name changed to “Mommy” ….. and a new blessing called me “Mommy” after 17 years of marriage!!
When I got married!
I went from a Moody to a Flowers almost 13 years ago! I love my married name!!
I had a few “family problems” growing up & was placed in foster homes. That’s when I would have changed my name, a way of escaping the past.
when I had my first child
Never really had any name defining moments. Never really liked “Ronald” my legal name but not bad enough to need to change it.
I guess when I got married???
Would love to get the green apple KitchenAid, if I won…or even if I don’t! LOL
I got married. Unfortunately, more than once…but I always have hope.
I am changing my name back to my maiden name and my married name since my only brother died last year.It will be Tammi Wolaver Laney.I want to continue the family name.
Now, I want to change my blog name. It started as a granma of 2 so I named it after the 1st two. Now I have 6 and need to change it appropraitely. Soon!
I would love to go back to my maiden name. It would help more than I could ever explain! And people could pronounce it!
Getting married!
Even though my ex didn’t want me to after my divorce
Wheen I got a divorce ,I took my maiden name back! It felt really good
When I left newspaper journalism I started using my married name, to my husband’s great satisfaction.
i changed my name when we got married, only the last name
My defining moment for a name change was when I made the decision to give up drinking. It’s been 12 years!!
When I got married.
like the name change and just love your giveaway.
i changed my name when i got married!
probably when i got married! but i still haven’t changed it yet! lol
I love the Cobalt Blue! I’ve never had a stand mixer before, but it’s something I’ve always wanted! Thanks for your generosity and the chance to win!
Getting married is the best time to change your name and start a new life.
I changed my name 2 times in my life! First actually was my father. He changed our names from Chinese names into Indonesian names because of the politics issues that time. And second time was when I got married until now…
My first thought was my name change when I got married…and then saw that lots of other people said the same thing 🙂
When I got married I of course changed my name. I think my daughter changed my name to Mom and thats about it.
A name change would have been appropriate when I got married But I did not change it.
When you get divorced a name change is in order.!
I changed my name when I got married 10 years ago 🙂
changing my name back when I got divorced it was a feeling of relief and gave me closure!
What an awesome giveaway!!! And super sweet of you by the way. Nothing beats being called mommy for the first time 🙂
possibly after my mom married a wonderful man that is my dad! I would have loved to change my name to his last name! He treated us like his own children from the very first day that we met. I was graced to have his preence in my life from age 14-39. What a great man and what a difference his life made to these two ( sister and I) little girls!
Love the KitchenAid mixer!
I’m not married but sometimes I’ve thought about changing my name and just moving to another country.
the only name change i have done was when i got married 2 weeks ago!
Getting married is an appropriate time to change your name.
i wish i could have gave my kids my last name therefore the tradition could move on!
I’ve never had a life changing moment where I’d want to change my name. I like Jake instead of Jacob that is about as close as it comes for me. Thanks for the chance to win!