This is a Test.
I want to see if you are paying attention.
Because I am.
And I’m sorry I don’t have pictures.
A few months ago, I hosted a giveaway that received over 300 entries. It was for a toy.
Toys are great. I am a fan of toys, as you know. I am a wood toy SNOB to the max.
But it costs about 20 bucks and will one day be boxed up like most of Andy’s toys (for you Toy Story folks). This greatly concerns my sons.
Not only will the toy one day collect dust and be forgotten, it won’t sustain life.
It won’t heal. It won’t give back the things that the How to Cook Real Food online course will teach you . . . provide for your family.
It has a lifetime value . . . in fact, I would wager a generational value. Because the things that I have learned from Jenny McGruther and others . . . I am passing on to my children.
And should the Lord tarry . . . it will be passed on to their children.
That’s just how it works.
Right now I am hosting a giveaway that is worth $199 full market value. You have the opportunity to win it for free AND receive three months of Nourished Kitchen weekly menu plans.
I can’t even begin to tell you the time those menu plans save you. Step by step. Down to what you can chop a week ahead of time.
Don’t miss out.
Sign up before September 15, 2011 and you will automatically save $50.
Use the coupon code GRANOLAMOM and you will save another $25.
Take the class and receive three months worth of meal plans gains you $30 plus your time.
Total savings = $105.
Or enter to win it for free.
Let me give you another opportunity to earn more entries.
Here is why.
I’m honest.
The person who wins the How to Cook Real Food course will be chosen by I won’t fudge it or pick my favorite person.
But I do have a favorite. It’s someone I know.
I want her to win. BUT I also want her to get a run for the money (time) she has been spending on gaining the most entries.
Because if she doesn’t win, I want to (while I’m being honest) earn enough through my affiliate sales of this class to buy my friend the class.
So, I’m not trying to go below the belt . . . or grovel . . . well, I might be groveling. But I’m being honest. Truthful.
Make my friend have to work harder.
- Enter to win The How To Cook Real Food Course by watching this video. Once you watch it, leave a comment on the contest blog post.
- Visit The How To Cook Real Food Course lesson plan and list the three courses you are most excited to watch. List each course separately for a total of three entries.
- Find out what the Bonus Lesson is . . . and like the others, leave a comment on the original contest post.
- And for fun, go through my archives and tell me what one of your favorite posts is along with the link! (Leave a comment here.)
Giveaway ends September 5, 2011.