While I enjoy my Kindle and various Kindle apps, I am a bibliophilic still. A lot of our books are either on a disc (like our Heritage History curriculum), or magically appear electronically in the download file of my computer…
Sometimes it is easy to be thankful. But often you know to be thankful because it is in contrast to the moment PRIOR . . . that moment when you had a need and a only a prayer, a plea,…
I walked downstairs feeling refreshed after putting the boys to bed. My hair had been brushed for nearly 45 minutes during story time. The Engineer remarked that the boys and I had read an unbelievably long chapter for bedtime. A…
Just so you know . . . Paper Coterie — the BEST DEAL ever!!!!!!! Now this company is sweet. They sent me a beautiful necklace. And I recently made a precious quotable book for Naomi. This is a DEAL. USE…
When eBooks started becoming popular and curriculum companies suddenly had everything electronically, I growled. I scoffed. I really didn’t think eBooks would catch on; and I most certainly would NOT read literature electronically. Hogwash. Give me paper! I want a…
Are you drawn to art museums? Do you become easily engrossed in classical music? How frequently do you read a novel written over a century ago? Though I engage in art, enjoy the symphony from the confines of my home,…
I recently received some very cool curriculum. Hours upon hours of deliciously rich history stories from Heritage History. I love it. More importantly, my sons are going to go nuts. The books I’m uploading to my Kindle Fire are for…
Jodi is married to her high school sweetheart. She blogs about fermentation, whole foods, homeschooling, essential oils, home-birthing, and gardening.
FREE Happy Mail
Curious about Essential Oils? When I first heard about them 13+ years ago, I wasn't sure what to think or where to find information. I've got you covered. Click on the image to learn about our oily journey!
The SAFEST Mattress
After much research, we chose The Clean Bedroom for our mattress and our daughter's mattress!
My Passion . . .
Please join us as we #writetheword to further understand the importance of ending Bible poverty. Learn how to host your own #writetheword party.
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